Jumping into the growing lifestyle marketplace of urban cycling/Fixie gearheads, Levi Strauss continues to push their denim and non-denim NanoSphere collection structured and made specifically for the urban rider.
The launch for summer has been met with solid reviews mainly because the fabrics which are both denim and non-denim are quite functional for urban cycling and also meet the demands of being waterproof and grime resistant to a point. In addition, Levi’s collection featyres a 3M Scotchlite reflective tape that reflects light but doesn’t distract for the fashionable aspects of the garments for a protected safety feature.

What’s itneresting about Levi’s jumping into the industry, is that it also gives cred and legitimacy to brands like Outlier that have been creating urban cycling gear all along. Outlier has made waves with its collection which premierd at Project last year and its strong online sales. Levi’s Commuter collection is now also available in Europe, but not cheap with pants starting at 110 Euro at retail and tops around 90 Euro.
Stay tuned for fresh data on urban cycling in our upcoming Spring Youth Culture Study 2012.