Category: Sustainability

Nelson Mandela…”Sometimes It Falls Upon a Generation…”


Nelson Mandela…1st leader of a multi-racial South Africa. His ability to reach people touches everyone. He did not let bitterness claim his heart. “Difficulties break some and make others…” “Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great, you can be that generation.” I met him once. I am a lucky person. Rest in Peace

Video Gaming Motivates Youth Actvisim with ReCharge for Sustainability and Darfur is Dying for Human Rights


Linkin Park bassist Dave Farrell and drummer Rob Bourdon were among panelists at the recent Social Good Summit talking about how music and video gaming can introduce new players to issues of sustainability and activism. Such games are among a new breed of topics trending in the gaming industry recently and are attracting different types […]

Youth Lead Walk-Out at United Nations Climate Change Conference in Warsaw—Plus, How Youth Culture Is Changing Sustainable Brand Strategies


The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Warsaw, Poland, was already dealing with complications from the very beginning, but yesterday, November 21, 2013, a walk-out of some 800 people, mostly young, from organizations such as, Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam, Friends of the Earth, and others, left the conference in an act of protest wearing T-shirts […]

Etsy’s New Policies Open Doors for Small Business Growth, But Pisses-off Some Online Artisans, and Revives Question “What Is Handmade?”

etsy-knits-header-200 has always been among the leaders when it comes to attracting a community of online artisanal handmade crafters and vintage collectors. But last month, their new policy shifts have raised questions about what exactly, qualifies for being “handmade”—a pre-requisite to host a storefront on their site—and pissed-off the hardcore artists that felt Esty was […]

Waves For Water With Support from Hurley H20 to Help Victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan


The largest storm ever recorded has left over 1 million people without clean water in the Philippines. Waves For Water non-profit, with the support of Hurley H20 is currently asking for support to get clean water filtration systems into the area. Here’s more: New York, NY // Nov 8, 2013 – Waves For Water founder Jon […]

Olympics’ Sustainability Movement Means New Requirements for Host Cities, Sports, Sponsors


On Sunday, November 23, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) held a summit to discuss sports and the environment and the kick-off of the Sochi Games in February, 2014. Two of the key topics centered around bringing young people into sports and the role of sustainability. As we’ve noted before about the Olympics, they are not […]

H&M Conscious Foundation Concludes Top 3 Global Issues with Water Being Number One


As we reported last week in our Sustainability Round-up story, H&M Conscious Foundation launched a program to gather information from employees and customers as to which 3 top global issues the Foundation should address in the coming year. The results are in with the top issue being Water: defined as “safe access to clean water […]

Sustainability Round-up: H&M Open Invitation for H&M Conscious Foundation; Levi’s X Dyneema for Longer-Lasting Jeans; Patagonia’s Responsible Economy Program


Sustainable solutions are key business strategies for many of the top global leading brands targeting youth culture these days. As we’ve noted in our various Sustainability and the State of the Future Youth Culture Studies, sustainability issues are vitally important to a new generation of young people who have grown-up with recycling as a part […]

Shanghia’s NeoCha’s Lee Jeans Re-Think Denim Installation Takes Fresh Look at Denim as Sustainable Art Sculpture


Lee jeans is among several denim brands taking a look at sustainability practices when it comes to their manufacturing process. In addition, they commissioned several creatives to also “rethink” denim and inspired several projects that have taken the concept of sustainability and denim into art including sculpture. NeoChaEdge, a creative agency out of Shanghai and […]

TOMS Shoes Re-Thinks Business Model and Launches Production in Haiti


At the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Annual Meeting last month, one of the inspiring announcements came from TOMS founder, Blake Mycoskie, in stating that starting in January 2014, they would be manufacturing shoes and hiring local people in Haiti—one of several countries that TOMS supports with its buy a pair give a pair to a […]