Welcome to the Future Consumers Reports! Here’s an insider look at the T-shirt Report 2013.

As an introduction to our new Future Consumer Reports and e-commerce platform, ww.thefutuerconsumer.com, we bring you insights from what to expect in the T-shirts Report 2013. The purpose of the T-shirt Report, and the other Future Consumer Reports covering 13-25-year-olds and their opinions on Denim, Footwear, Accessories, and Action Sports Apparel, is to provide brands and industry leaders with valuable insights on what’s shaping the marketplace today.

Youth culture in the United States in particular, is one of the most important demographics creating a new fashion and retail landscape not only because of their vast spending power, but because they lead as a primary source of inspiration for many other markets.

“While retail sales data is what is commonly used among those seeking research, it’s the consumer insights—information from the marketplace itself, especially within the fast-paced market of youth culture–that is even more important,” states Kathleen Gasperini, Senior Vice President of Label Networks. “This is because it’s what the actual consumer wants and is thinking and moving towards, rather than whether it is offered in a store, which can miss the mark. It’s looking at the present and future, rather than the past of “what sold.””

Label Networks’ first series of Future Consumer Reports at www.thefutureconsumer.com

Today’s DIY youth marketplace makes the T-shirt Report 2013 even more vital because it’s this staple of fashion that changes the most rapidly and can make or break a brand and store. T-Shirts often reflect key youth culture trends beyond just style. T-shirts are also a relatively inexpensive way to make a personal statement. For today’s DIY culture, they represent one of the most important categories of fashion. Not only do young people like to create their own T-shirts, but buying new T-shirts, iconic band merch, and graphic T’s as keepsakes, add to their importance as a category within fashion.

T-shirts are often the trend-leading segment into new directions for brands, designs such as graphics and statement pieces, colors, fabrics including eco-friendly solutions, DIY design opportunities, and as non-profit awareness and fundraising tools. Many brands have often gotten their start primarily T-shirt brands and grew from there. These things are among the many reasons why this T-shirts Report is so vital for brands, retailers, and industry players who need to know where trends are headed and why, with insights coming directly from the marketplace of 13-25-year-olds across the United States.

Highlights from What’s Inside the Future Consumer’s T-shirt Report 2013:

Introduction to the State of T-shirts Among Youth Culture Fashion

Methodology for Achieving the Research Results


  • What is your favorite color?
  • What’s in your closet?
  • Favorite Fashion Styles
  • Least Favorite Fashion Styles

T-shirt Purchasing Patterns:

  • Number of T-shirts purchased in the past 12 months
  • How much do you typically pay for a T-shirt?


  • What is your favorite T-shirt brand to wear?
  • What is your least favorite apparel brand?


  • What types of stores do you shop in the most?
  • What store specifically, do you like to shop in the most?
  • What is your least favorite store to shop in?
  • Which website is your favorite to buy apparel from?
  • When it comes to shopping patterns in your household, how much influence do you have when it comes to buying T-shirts?

Methodology and Format: Macro Trend Summaries for Quick Snapshots of Key Findings and Analysis, Cross-tabs by Topline, Gender, Age Groups 13-14, 15-17, 18-20, 21-25

For more information check out www.thefutureconsumer.com