In a complete twist of fate on copyright issues, artist’s usage, and revenue from merch, Fairey and the AP have created a new plan.
Tag: Barack
Graffiti Artist Saber and His Message on Health Care Reform Indicates the Power of the Medium and Their Political and Cultural Impact Today
Art for Obama Illustrated Book Edited by Shepard Fairey Featuring Powerful Street Artists Illustrate Grassroots Movement for Change
Street Artist Shepard Fairey in Legal Battle Over Iconic Obama Artwork
Street Artist Shepard Fairey’s Iconic Image of President-Elect Barack Obama Graces the Cover of Time Magazine’s”Man of the Year”
Obama Friended Youth Market via Savvy Usage of New Media and Technology -Label Networks Taps Into the Digital Lifestyle Report to Illustrate Where the Campaign Worked and Why
Who’s Got the Youth Vote ( Who Would Have It If They Could Vote); Plus Who Plans to Vote Mostly; and a Look at the Presidential”Wish” List of Candidates by 13-25-year-olds
In Label Networks’ new Spring Youth Culture Study 2008, we asked a series of questions about the upcoming election to get a sense of just how 13-25-year-olds are voting or would vote if they could, how they feel about their potential future President, who plans on voting (of those that are eligible), and who they “wish” was a Presidential candidate. The results are quite fascinating because in many ways, it provides insight about the future when it comes to politics, and which demographics within youth culture are more likely to get involved compared with others.