Manga and Anime continue to change the world of entertainment as more young people embrace this lifestyle from Japan in the form of movies, comics, video games, fashion, online communities, and conventions. Label Networks captured the expo from consumer and industry perspectives.
Tag: brands
Sneak Peak at Sneaker Culture Trends from Label Networks’ Capacity-Crowd Presentation at MAGIC Provides Insight on Why the Marketplace Continues to Rock Fashion
Project Inspires Beauty in the Concept of Trade Shows While Providing a Business Platform for Leading Brands Retailers in Denim, Contemporary, Premium Street, Accessorie-Label Networks Bi-Annual Trade Show Review from Spring, 2008
When Project Fashion Trade Show was bought by Advanstar, owners of MAGIC and Pool a couple of years ago, many people wondered if this show could maintain is aesthetic edge, beauty, and most importantly, attraction to top denim brands, premium street, and contemporary. Fortunately, as we walked the halls February 13-15 in Las Vegas, it’s clear that not only has the show stepped-up its program, but continues to attract scores of buyers looking for leading-edge brands.
Pool S(eco)nd Fashion Trade Show’s Move to Central Hall Proves Positive for the Artistic and Eco-Inspired Fashion Brands Representing -Label Networks’ Bi-Annual Trade Show Revie
This Spring, Pool Fashion Trade Show, a smaller yet inspiring show which takes place during MAGIC in Las Vegas each season, maintained a theme of “Fashion Freedom Worldwide.” However this show has clearly gained a reputation for representing a variety of fashion “artists” or art-inspired brands, plus an array of eco-friendly brands that reflect a growing genre somewhere in-between the types of brands showcasing at Project and the street fashion scene of the South Hall of MAGIC. From February 12-14, Pool and their eco show S(eco)nd, reflected a new version of fashion with a variety of brands that maintained the theme of art inspiration -all within an artistic show landscape.
Brand Messaging for Non-Profits: Label Networks Asks Youth Culture Markets”What’s the Best Way for Non-Profits to Get Their Message Across to You?”
Fresh results from Label Networks’ new set of consumer research questions from a representative sampling of 13-25-year-olds across North America indicate major new trends when it comes to youth perceptions and influences about topics such as non-profits, green marketing, the environment, gun control laws, and humanitarian concerns. In this week’s story, we concentrate on the findings to the question, when it comes to non-profit organizations, “What do you think are the best ways for these non-profits to get their message across?”
Green Marketing Youth Culture Perceptions:”Do you feel that companies are actually making a change by saying they are”Green” or do you think it’s just advertising?” Fresh Results from Label Networks Provides Insight
Each year, Label Networks asks a series of questions to a representative sample of thousands of young people ages 13-25 about their perceptions, influences, and concerns as it pertains to humanitarian issues, green marketing, the environment, “green” sponsorship effectiveness, volunteerism, among other similar topics.
Denim Style Trends for Summer Fall ’08 for Youth Culture Markets Differ from What Some Expect in the Industry as Different Influences Price Points Determine Directions
Music Fashion and the Power of Grassroots Marketing: So Why Aren’t More Brands Using It?
Perhaps it’s a rhetorical question, but each year as we move into summer music tour season, we often ask ourselves given the importance of music in connecting with youth culture, why more brands don’t use it? Music is at the vortex of youth culture lifestyle and is the most essential culture to track in terms of reaching 13-25-year-olds globally. More than sports, fashion, TV entertainment, or technology, music is the thread that links the youth culture marketplace across all economic levels, regions, ethnicities, age groups, and genders.