More important than ever before is knowing key electronics among youth culture as spending patterns have shifted towards electronics as a major component to personal style, communication, and entertainment.
With E3 wrapping up, we take an in-depth look at the evolution of preferred gaming platforms and how this is effecting the entertainment industry, sports, music, technology, and even fashion based on preferences in compatible titles.
Social currency and where the creative cultural crossovers occur among China’s youth can provide a profound lesson in what works in reaching generationally tech-savvy youth, including how North American brands can tap into the world’s largest youth culture market.
This preview story features changes in Video Gaming spending and which demographics present the greatest differences in patterns in the last 6 months and what this means for the industry.
There’s a new, growing youth demo that’s adopting a different sort of gaming culture into their so-called virtual lifestyles, changing up the landscape of the industry itself and introducing new crossover opps for non-endemic brands.
Influences from Manga, Anime, and Video Gaming continue to influence trends in youth culture fashion, creating a new demand for virtual designers and expanding concepts of retail opportunities.
The differences by gender and age groups to key electronics within their lifestyles reveals much about where things are headed in youth culture when it comes to social media, communication, entertainment, and spending.