Tag: preferences

New Fall Youth Culture Study Reveals Shifts in Effective Advertising and Sponsorship, Social Networking, Digital Patterns, Plus Trends in Action Sports, Music, Beverages, and Sustainability


Fresh research and analysis released today from Label Networks’ 14th Fall Youth Culture Study 2014 reveals the massive shifts in effective digital entertainment, communication patterns, advertising, and marketing among 13-25-year-olds across the United States. “With the significant shifts in entertainment preferences, YouTube, TV, social networks, and mobile phone culture, this Study unveils the differences in […]

Footwear and Sneaker Culture –The Mega Shuffle Between Preferred Brands, Stores, and Latest Influences on Youth Culture


When it comes to favorite footwear, the majority of 13-25-year-olds across the United States will name a sneaker brand over a footwear brand which is why understanding sneaker culture, including blogs, is of importance for this marketplace. In this story, we take a look at fresh data from Label Networks’ Fall Youth Culture Study 2012 […]

Life After Facebook: What Youth Culture Thinks and Where They’re Headed Next


While it’s fairly clear that Facebook’s IPO took place after the social network already peaked, what most brands ask is which social network platform is taking over next. When it comes to youth culture in the United States, we sought-out the answers to not only where things are shifting but why and which specific demographics […]

Youth Culture X Advertising: “What is it that Advertisers don’t understand when advertising to you about their products?”


One of the most powerful sections of our Youth Culture Studies in the past few years is the changing dynamics within the Advertising section based on 13-25-year-olds’ responses to what advertising means to them and what works and what doesn’t and why. As we’ve seen over the past 11 years at Label Networks, advertising methods […]

Coca-Cola Music–Attempt to Connect with Teens Still Misses Mark


Coke wakes up to recognize new teens may not know them, and launches music campaign that indicates lack of knowledge about the marketplace.

Video Gaming Preferences in Youth Culture as Determined by Evolution in Preferred Platforms is Shaking-up the Industry


With E3 wrapping up, we take an in-depth look at the evolution of preferred gaming platforms and how this is effecting the entertainment industry, sports, music, technology, and even fashion based on preferences in compatible titles.

Top T-shirt Preferences Among Hispanic/Latino Youth Culture Reveal New Trends and Market Opportunities

As the fastest-growing youth demographic in the U.S., knowing top preferences in key fashion genres reveal market opportunities for many brands. Here’s fresh data from Label Networks’ Hispanic Youth Culture Profile Report 09.

%u201CWhich website is your favorite to buy apparel from?” Fresh Data on Youth Culture Online Retailer Preferences

As online retail increases, Label Networks tracks changes in top preferences and where the market is shifting alliances, shopping more, and less. From Label Networks’ North American Youth Culture Study 2009.