10 years ago the brand Alphanumeric was among the leading-edge brands in the then emerging category of street fashion for men. A decade later, founders Mirko Mangum who runs the UNIV in Encinitas, and Alyasha Owerka-Moore, founder of the denim label FiberOps, have re-grouped with their team and brought life back to the legendary Alphanumeric brand. We caught up with the 4 leaders of the re-launched Alphanumeric premiering at Agenda Fashion Trade Show last month in San Diego in the only non-descript booth (no sign overhead) -another key aspect of their underground brand messaging.
Tag: side
Alife Out of NYC Continue Producing Original Concepts in Street Fashion, Sneakers, Retail, Publishing, and Art, Creating a Wake of Wannabes from Their Own Natural Evolution
The guys behind the legendary core brand alife, Rob and Arnell, are not the type of guys who are going to spill their guts to media about how they stay so original in order to prove their cred-factor. They simply are original and have gained cred by working seriously hard for a long time on aesthetics, product, and quality results that embrace their lifestyle -which happens to be enviable in today’s contemporary street fashion scene. These guys, who were the Creative Directors for Mass Appeal Magazine, presented graffiti art and the artists behind the scenes in such original formats that some account it for being the birth of the mainstream graff movement of today.