The Beach Boys actually used to call themselves The Pendletones based on wearing this heritage brand after surf sessions.
Smack in the middle of an economic landscape that has torn retailers apart and sunk galleries into oblivion, up pops Swiv Tackle Circus in Oceanside, CA, a gritty little beach community on the northern edge of San Diego and an outpost for skaters, surfers, and artists. As original as its name, Swiv Tackle Circus has redefined what it means to be a retail store, gallery, and community gathering space. Known as a “gallertique” as in part boutique and part gallery, the 3,500 square-foot space owned by Shaney Jo Darden and Jeff Black, and managed with partners Desiree Dawn Kuhn and Kirsten Kuhn, gives new meaning and hope to the concept of having a business and artistic gathering space that pushes forward creativity and new ideas, rather than constricts life based on outside forces of bad economics. The concept is the epitome of DIY in that it’s so CYOO (create your own oasis).
While the best big surf events tend to happen in the Northern Hemisphere’s winter months, such as the Vans Triple Crown of Surfing series including the Reef Hawaiian Pro, O’Neill World Cup, Roxy Pro, Billabong Pipeline Masters, Billabong Women’s Pro and Quicksilver’s big-wave Eddie Aikau (all in Hawaii), and Maverick’s Big Wave Surf Competition in Half Moon Bay, surfing tends to be on the “consumer” radar more so in the summer obviously, when people head to the beach, regardless of often flat surf conditions.
On January 16th, Volcom announced their all-cash offer to acquire Electric Visual Evolution -one of the hottest sunglass brands in action sports, known for their lightening bolt logo. Under the terms, Volcom will pay Electric shareholders $25.25 million. Volcom says that Electric will remain a stand-alone brand as a subsidiary of Volcom.
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