Now you can get Label Networks on your iPhone. Mobile Culture Lab also builds on Label Networks’ services to include building creative custom iPhone applications for clients.
Quantifiably one of the most powerful tools to reach a new generation, effective marketing and sponsorship through music is still often overlooked by many brands. Here’s data on what works best and why.
Fresh data from Label Networks provides new insight on what type of ads are working best and the distinct preferences based on certain target demographics and how things have changed in the last 6 months.
There’s a new, growing youth demo that’s adopting a different sort of gaming culture into their so-called virtual lifestyles, changing up the landscape of the industry itself and introducing new crossover opps for non-endemic brands.
Surprisingly many brands (especially in the automotive industry) don’t have a successful new media/social network strategy yet. Our results indicate what youth culture is using mostly, why, and where brands may benefit mostly in new media.
Recession shopping trends regarding changes in preferences for Malls, Fast Fashion, Vintage/Thrift, Exchange, Online, Direct-from-Brand Sites, Ebay, and other options reveal unexpected results and why certain shopping patterns are emerging.
Volcom’s one of those indicator brands for action sports-inspired youth culture fashion. Not to repeat what appears to be a highly polarizing topic from last week but%u2026
Comparing youth consumer insights over 9 years, Label Networks reveal which demographics, brands, and retailers are in decline and why, plus which sports and lifestyles are poised to pop.
For those able to attend Label Networks’ capacity-crowd presentation during MAGIC, this was the one data slide that had people gasping and others quietly figuring new strategies.
As online retail increases, Label Networks tracks changes in top preferences and where the market is shifting alliances, shopping more, and less. From Label Networks’ North American Youth Culture Study 2009.